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The Benefits of Raised Garden Beds

If you've never grown vegetables in raised beds before, I promise that once you do, you'll be spoiled for the rest of your gardening life. We think that’s a risk you just might be willing to take. I grow things anywhere and everywhere I can, and 9 times out of 10, my veggies do better in the raised beds.

If your natural soil hasn’t reached nirvana, that well amended point yet, go for the raised beds. In a new bed I’ll either build a compost sandwich in it or add a bunch of soil from my compost pile along with some purchased composted manure or garden soil. There’s no need to build them to a specific depth. I’ve grown in all different sizes from 6″ – 24″ and they all work equally as well.

The only time you’ll need to take pause is if you’d like to plant some especially long carrots or if you’re growing potatoes. In fact, other than potatoes, I’ve never found a 24″ deep necessary (unless you like the fact that you don’t have to bend down as far).

Some of the benefits of raised bed gardening are:

· Less weeds

· Better water retention in areas that have super-sandy soil

· Better drainage in areas with clay soils

· More growing space

· No soil compaction from human feet

· Warmer soil earlier in the season

· Warmer soil for a longer season

· Soil that has basically a neutral pH unless you add something to change it

· Less soil erosion (especially, if the bed is framed)

Even though growing season is coming to an end, it is a fabulous time to contact Greenough Landscapes to design and start building and nurturing a fertile soil so that next Spring you are good to go!

We look forward to developing an aesthetically pleasing garden bed and landscape feature in your yard today! Contact us at: (978) 617-9234 or email – Happy fine gardening!

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